Arena  1.0
A content management system
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
||o*Applications.pyThis file defines a base application class, which is responsible for driving the operations of the overall script
||o*BufferedCGIApplications.pyThis file defines an application class that handles a CGI environment which buffers its output
||\*CGIApplications.pyThis file defines an application class that handles a CGI environment
||o*Classwork.pyThis file defines and implements the base class, from which all others are derived
||o*Events.pyThis file extends AnObject with routines that allow the object to generate and manage events
||\*Exceptions.pyThis file defines and implements the base exception class from which all exceptions in arena are derived
||o*Databases.pyThis file defines a class that specializes ADataSource to apply to databases, as well as a class that represents data operations (such as queries) executed against a database
||o*DataRows.pyThis file defines classes that represent rows of data retrieved from a data source
||o*DataSources.pyThis file defines and implements a generic class for data source access
||\*Queries.pyThis file defines and implements several generic classes that represent queries which can be executed against a data source (such as a database)
||\*HTTPRequests.pyThis file defines a class that consolidates the various variables related to an HTTP request
||o*FileStreams.pyThis file defines classes for interacting with file streams containing binary data
||\*Streams.pyThis file defines the base stream class, from which all other streams in arena are derived
||o*BinaryTrees.pyThis file defines and implements a class that manages a binary tree and a class that represents a generic node in that tree
||o*Dictionaries.pyThis file defines and implements a class that acts much like a Python dictionary object, with a few additional features
||o*Nodes.pyThis file defines a class to represent a node in a hierarchical, doubly-linked list
||\*StringTrees.pyThis file defines and implements a class that stores a string value as a name
||o*Errors.pyThis file defines error, warning, and hint classes that are used by a parser to log diagnostic information
||o*Parsers.pyThis file defines a class that parses a source stream
||o*SourceParsers.pyThis file defines a class that parses a source stream
||o*Symbols.pyThis file defines the various symbol types that may appear in a symbol table
||\*SymbolTables.pyThis file defines and implements classes that manage symbol tables and collections of symbol tables
||\*Utilities.pyThis file defines a utility class that can be used to work with Python strings
| o*Channels.pyThis file expands upon ADataRow in order to provide a standard for "channels", which allow content and content providers to be categorized
| o*ContentFromDataSource.pyThis file extends AContentProvider to allow content to be retrieved from a data source
| o*ContentProviders.pyThis file defines a basic content provider class, from which all other content providers for arena should descend
| o*Posts.pyThis file defines a class to manage a single post
| \*Views.pyThis file defines a class that manages a view, which parses content provided to it and returns a string containing the parsed content
|\*Configuration.pyThis file defines settings that affect how arena will work on your site
||\*Mediators.pyThis file defines the basic content mediator for arena
||o*DataLists.pyThis file defines a class that manages a list of data retrieved from a data source
||\*SQLQueries.pyThis file defines a query class that can be used as the basis for SQL queries executed against a database
||o*DataSessions.pyThis file defines a class which can be used to manage sessions which are stored in a data source
||\*Sessions.pyThis file defines a class which can be used to manage sessions, such as those undertaken with a remote user over HTTP
||o*GroupedUsers.pyThis file defines a class to manage a user that is part of one or more groups
||o*Groups.pyThis file defines a class that manages a list of groups to which a specific user may belong
||o*SubscribedUsers.pyThis file defines a class to manage a user that is part of one or more groups which are subscribed to a particular channel
||o*Subscriptions.pyThis file defines a class that manages a list of subscriptions which define the access rights of a specific group
||\*Users.pyThis file expands upon the ADataRow class to allow the retrieval and modification of a user record for arena
| o+PerUser
| \*Jinja2Views.pyThis file defines a class that manages a jinja view, which is a jinja template that formats the output retrieved from a channel
\*viewpoint.pyThis file defines the main entry point for arena: where the client request, the content, and its display all come together