Arena  1.0
A content management system
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This file defines a class to manage a single arena attachment. More...


class  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.AnArenaAttachmentError
 Represents an error that may occur with an attachment. More...
class  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.AnArenaAttachment
 Represents a single attachment in arena. More...


string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.atFileQueryKey = "file"
 The name of the query key which specifies a file that is uploaded for attachment.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.atErrorMissingParameter = "the {parameter} must be specified"
 The error message used when a required attachment parameter is not provided.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.atErrorFileUpload = "the process of uploading the file ended unexpectedly"
 The error message used when a file upload fails.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.atErrorFileSize = "attachments are limited to {size} or less"
 The error message used when an uploaded file exceeds the maximum file size.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.atErrorChangeRecord = "failed to {} attachment data"
 The error message used when failing to manipulated a record for an attachment.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.atErrorRights = "you lack the rights required to {} attachments"
 The error message used when the user does not have the right to upload.
dictionary Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.atMimeTypeToCategory
 Used to match a MIME type with an attachment category. More...

Detailed Description

This file defines a class to manage a single arena attachment.