Arena  1.0
A content management system
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This file extends AContentMediator to customize it for use with the default arena setup. More...


class  Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.AnArenaMediatorError
 Represents an error that might occur within the arena mediator itself. More...
class  Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.AnArenaMediator
 A content mediator customized for the default arena setup. More...


dictionary Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.amEvents
 Events generated by AnArenaMediator. More...
string Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.amInvalidDataSource = "an invalid data source of type {} was provided"
 The error message used when an invalid data source is provided to the mediator.
string Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.amDataSourceError = "failed to connect to {} because: {}"
 The error message used when failing to connect to the site datasource.
string Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.amContentProviderError = "failed to load content for \"{}\" because "
 The error message used when no content provider can be found for a channel.
string Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.amViewProviderError = "failed to render content for \"{}\" because "
 The error message used when no view provider can be found for a channel.

Detailed Description

This file extends AContentMediator to customize it for use with the default arena setup.