Arena  1.0
A content management system
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This file extends AnArenaParsedContentProvider to allow users with the appropriate permissions to add and edit content (posts) within channels. More...


class  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.AnArenaPostEditor
 A content provider that allows posts to be edited. More...


string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apeActionQueryKey = "do"
 The name of the query key that specifies the action to take with regard to a post.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apeActionPublish = "publish"
 The query key value that specifies a new post is to be published.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apeActionUpdate = "update"
 The query key that specifies an existing post is to be updated.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apeActionDelete = "delete"
 The query key that specifies an existing post is to be deleted.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apeIdQueryKey = "id"
 The query key value that specifies the ID of ap ost.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apeViewName = "post/edit"
 The name of the view to use for editing.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apePostDefaultTitle = "Post Title"
 The default title of a new post.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apePostDefaultContent = "Enter the content of your post and click 'Save' "
 The default content of a new post.
dictionary Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.apePostNewFieldsValues
 The default fields and values to use for a new arena post. More...

Detailed Description

This file extends AnArenaParsedContentProvider to allow users with the appropriate permissions to add and edit content (posts) within channels.