Arena  1.0
A content management system
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This file defines a class to manage a single arena post. More...


class  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.AnArenaPost
 This class represents a single post within a channel. More...


int Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.apstDescriptionLimit = 252
 The maximum length of a post description.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.apstSentenceEndings = ".?!\""
 Characters that are allowed to end a sentence.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.apstDescriptionSuffix = "..."
 Added to a description to indicate that there is more to the post.
int Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.apstAutoKeywordMinLength = 4
 The minimum length of an automatically-generated keyword.
int Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.apstKeywordCountLimit = 10
 The maximum number of keywords that we want a post to have.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.apstKeywordIgnoredCharacters = "?!.,:;+-=$%^&*()[]"
 Characters that should be ignored when counting keywords.
string Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.apstKeywordIgnoredWords = "a"
 Words that should be ignored when counting keywords.

Detailed Description

This file defines a class to manage a single arena post.