Arena  1.0
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This file defines and implements a class that manages a binary tree and a class that represents a generic node in that tree. More...


class  Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryLeaf
 A node in a binary tree. More...
class  Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryTree
 A binary tree. More...


string Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.blStringRepresentation = "\t{name} at index {index} with key: {key}"
 The format used when creating a string representation of ABinaryLeaf.
string Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.btStringRepresentationSingular = "{name} with {count} item"
 The format used when creating a string representation of ABinaryTree.
string Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.btStringRepresentationPlural = "{name} with {count} items"
tuple Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.btErrorRetrievingItem
 The error message used when an attempt is made to retrieve a non-existent item from a binary tree. More...

Detailed Description

This file defines and implements a class that manages a binary tree and a class that represents a generic node in that tree.