Arena  1.0
A content management system
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This file defines a class that manages a list of subscriptions which define the access rights of a specific group. More...


class  Plugins.User.Subscriptions.Right
 The rights assigned to channels by means of a subscription. More...
class  Plugins.User.Subscriptions.Rights
 A utility class to make managing rights easier. More...
class  Plugins.User.Subscriptions.ASubscriptionError
 This class represents an error that may occur while attempting to access and modify group subscription information. More...
class  Plugins.User.Subscriptions.ASubscriptionList
 This class represents a list of subscriptions that define the access rights of a specific group. More...


string Plugins.User.Subscriptions.slNoDataSource = "no data source was provided"
 The error message used when no data source is provided to the subscription list instance.
tuple Plugins.User.Subscriptions.slErrorRetrievingList
string Plugins.User.Subscriptions.slErrorAppendingToList = "failed to subscribe \"{}\" to the channel \"{}\""
 The error message used when failing to append to the subscription list.
tuple Plugins.User.Subscriptions.slErrorDeletingFromList
 The error message used when failing to delete from the subscription list. More...
string Plugins.User.Subscriptions.slErrorUpdatingList = "failed to modify permissions for the channel \"{}\""
 The error message used when failing to update the subscription list.
list Plugins.User.Subscriptions.slDefaultRights = [Right.toRead]
 The default rights granted to a newly-created subscription (read only)

Detailed Description

This file defines a class that manages a list of subscriptions which define the access rights of a specific group.