Arena  1.0
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This file defines a query class that can be used as the basis for SQL queries executed against a database. More...


class  Plugins.DataSource.SQLQueries.AnSQLQuery
 A basic SQL query executed against a data source. More...


dictionary Plugins.DataSource.SQLQueries.sqEvents
 Events generated by AnSQLQuery. More...
string Plugins.DataSource.SQLQueries.sqListDelimiter = ","
 The delimiter used when creating a list for a query.
string Plugins.DataSource.SQLQueries.sqFieldValuesDelimiter = "="
 The delimiter used to separate field names and values.
dictionary Plugins.DataSource.SQLQueries.sqSpecialCharacters
 Special characters that must be escaped in SQL query strings. More...
string Plugins.DataSource.SQLQueries.sqQuoteCharacter = "'"
 The character to use when quoting string literals in an SQL query string.

Detailed Description

This file defines a query class that can be used as the basis for SQL queries executed against a database.