Arena  1.0
A content management system
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This file customizes the ADataSession class to apply to arena engine instances. More...


class  Plugins.Session.Arena.Sessions.AnArenaSession
 An instance of ADataSession customized for use with the various arena engine instances. More...


string Plugins.Session.Arena.Sessions.asUserName = "/user/username"
 The variable used to track the name of the user.
string Plugins.Session.Arena.Sessions.asUserAgent = "/user/user-agent"
 The variable used to track the user agent.
string Plugins.Session.Arena.Sessions.asIPV4SessionVariable = "/user/ip/v4"
 The session variable used to track the IPv4 address of the user.
string Plugins.Session.Arena.Sessions.asIPV6SessionVariable = "/user/ip/v6"
 The session variable used to track the IPv6 address of the user.
string Plugins.Session.Arena.Sessions.asSessionLastClosed = "/session/last-closed"
 The variable used to track when the session was closed.

Detailed Description

This file customizes the ADataSession class to apply to arena engine instances.