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This file defines a class that manages a jinja view, which is a jinja template that formats the output retrieved from a channel. More...


class  Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.AJinja2View
 This class represents a view, which is a jinja template that formats the output retrieved from a channel. More...


dictionary Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.j2vEvents
 Events generated by AJinja2View. More...
tuple Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.vDefaultTemplates
 The default templates used when retrieving a view. More...
string Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.vErrorMissingTemplates = "none of the templates specified (\"{}\") were found "
 The error message used when failing to find the templates requested.
string Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.vErrorRetrievingView = "{} in any of these paths: {}"
 The error message used when failing to retrieve a view.
string Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.vErrorSyntax = "a syntax error occurred on line {} in \"{}\": {}"
 The error message used when a syntax error occurs within a template.
string Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.j2vCacheFilenameFormat = "_%s.cache"
 The format used to name bytecode cache files.

Detailed Description

This file defines a class that manages a jinja view, which is a jinja template that formats the output retrieved from a channel.