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This file defines and implements a class that acts much like a Python dictionary object, with a few additional features. More...


class  Library.Memory.Dictionaries.ADictionaryEntry
 A single entry in a dictionary, which matches a string key to a value. More...
class  Library.Memory.Dictionaries.ADictionary
 A binary tree class that acts much like a Python dictionary object. More...


string Library.Memory.Dictionaries.dDefaultItemsDelimiter = ", "
 The default delimiters to use when imploding dictionaries.
string Library.Memory.Dictionaries.dDefaultKeysDelimiter = "="
string Library.Memory.Dictionaries.deStringRepresentation = "\t{key}: {value}\n"
 The format used to construct a string representation of a dictionary entry.

Detailed Description

This file defines and implements a class that acts much like a Python dictionary object, with a few additional features.