ABufferedCGIApplication | |
  Plugins.Application.Mediators.AContentMediator | |
   Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.AnArenaMediator | A content mediator customized for the default arena setup |
    Plugins.Application.Arena.Viewpoints.AViewpoint | The main "engine" of arena, which drives all of its functionality |
     Plugins.Application.Arena.UserAuthentication.AUserAuthenticator | A user authentication engine, which authenticates users |
 AContentMediatorError | |
  Plugins.Application.Arena.ArenaMediators.AnArenaMediatorError | Represents an error that might occur within the arena mediator itself |
 ADataRowError | |
  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.AnArenaAttachmentError | Represents an error that may occur with an attachment |
 AMarkdownTabBlock | |
  Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.CustomMarkdownStatements.ACustomMarkdownTabBlock | A custom Markdown tab block |
 AnArenaContentProvider | |
  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.ChannelsList.AnArenaChannelsListing | A channel list producer |
 AnArenaContentProviderError | |
  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.UserAuthentication.AnAuthenticationError | Represents an error that might occur within the authentication module itself |
 AnArenaMediatorError | |
  Plugins.Application.Arena.Viewpoints.AViewpointError | Represents an error that might occur within the viewpoint module itself |
   Plugins.Application.Arena.UserAuthentication.AnAuthenticationError | Represents an error that might occur within the authentication module itself |
 AnArenaParsedContentProvider | |
  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.AttachManagement.AnArenaAttachmentManager | |
  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostEditing.AnArenaPostEditor | A content provider that allows posts to be edited |
  Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.UserAuthentication.AUserAuthenticator | A user authentication engine, which authenticates users |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Attachments | |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Channels | |
 Library.Parse.Lex.Languages.CharacterType | Character types that are recognized by a parser |
 Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.CustomMarkdownStatements.CustomOpcode | A custom opcode for our new parser instance |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Data | |
 dict | |
  Library.Memory.collections.Counter | Counter |
  Library.Memory.collections.OrderedDict | OrderedDict |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Views.Error | |
 Exception | |
  Library.Base.Exceptions.AnException | The base exception class used by nearly all other exceptions generated by arena |
   Library.IO.Logging.Logs.AMessage | The base class for items that can be logged (such as messages, errors, hints, warnings, etc.) |
    Library.IO.Logging.Logs.AMessageWithTimeStamp | A message that, when logged, will include a timestamp indicating when it was logged |
     Library.DataSource.DataRows.ADataRowError | A data row error |
     Library.DataSource.DataSources.ADataSourceError | |
     Library.Parse.Errors.AParserMessage | |
      Library.Parse.Errors.AFatalError | |
      Library.Parse.Errors.AHint | |
      Library.Parse.Errors.ANote | |
      Library.Parse.Errors.ASyntaxError | |
      Library.Parse.Errors.AWarning | |
     Library.UI.ContentProviders.AContentProviderError | A content provider error |
      Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.ContentProviders.AnArenaContentProviderError | An arena content provider error |
     Library.UI.Posts.APostError | Represents an error that may occur with a post |
     Library.UI.Views.AViewError | A view error |
      Plugins.View.PerUser.Arena.Views.AnArenaViewError | Represents an error that may occur while displaying an arena view |
     Plugins.Application.Mediators.AContentMediatorError | An error that may occur while mediating content |
     Plugins.Session.DataSessions.ASessionError | Represents an error that can occur during a session |
     Plugins.User.Groups.AGroupError | This class represents an error that may occur while retrieving or updating group membership information |
     Plugins.User.Subscriptions.ASubscriptionError | This class represents an error that may occur while attempting to access and modify group subscription information |
     Plugins.User.Users.AUserError | This class represents an error that can occur when retrieving or updating user information |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Groups | |
 Library.String.Utilities.IsPrintable | This class defines and implements a method to print the string representation of a class to the specified stream |
  Library.Application.Applications.AnApplication | The base application class |
   Library.Application.CGIApplications.ACGIApplication | An application class that handles a CGI environment |
    Library.Application.BufferedCGIApplications.ABufferedCGIApplication | A CGI application that buffers its output |
  Library.Base.Events.AnEvent | An event that can be emitted by a class instance |
  Library.Base.Events.AnEventfulObject | An object that can generate events |
   Library.Base.Events.ALoggingEventfulObject | An object that generates events and which has access to a log for status and debugging messages |
    Library.DataSource.Databases.ADataOperation | A basic operation performed against a database (i.e., a query or command) |
     Library.DataSource.Queries.AQuery | A basic query executed against a data source |
      Plugins.DataSource.SQLQueries.AnSQLQuery | A basic SQL query executed against a data source |
       Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLQuery | A query executed against a MySQL data source |
        Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLDeleteQuery | A MySQL DELETE query |
        Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLInsertQuery | A MySQL INSERT query |
         Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLUpdateQuery | A MySQL UPDATE query |
        Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLSelectFunctionQuery | A SELECT statement that returns the result of a function |
        Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLSelectQuery | A SELECT query executed against a MySQL data source |
         Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLFullTextQuery | A full-text SELECT query |
         Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLSelectCountQuery | A MySQL SELECT COUNT(*) query |
        Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLShowTablesQuery | A SHOW TABLES query executed against a MySQL database |
        Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Queries.AMySQLUseDatabaseQuery | A USE query executed against a MySQL database |
    Library.DataSource.DataRows.ADataRow | A row of data retrieved from a data source |
     Library.DataSource.DataRows.ADataRowWithExpandingFields | A data row that includes expandable fields |
      Library.UI.Channels.AChannel | A channel, which provides a way to categorize content |
      Library.UI.Posts.APost | This class represents a single post within a channel |
       Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Posts.AnArenaPost | This class represents a single post within a channel |
        Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.PostsWithHighlighting.AnArenaPostWithHighlighting | A post handler that allows for syntax highlighting by replacing the default Markdown parser with a modified one |
      Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.Attachments.AnArenaAttachment | Represents a single attachment in arena |
    Library.DataSource.DataSources.ADataSource | The abstract interface to a data source |
     Library.DataSource.Databases.ADatabase | The abstract interface to a database |
      Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.Databases.AMySQLDatabase | This class extends ADatabase to allow connections to be made to MySQL databases |
    Library.Parse.Parsers.AParser | A parser |
     Library.Parse.SourceParsers.ASourceParser | A parser that parses source code |
      Plugins.Content.Parse.MarkdownParsers.AMarkdownParser | A parser that parses wiki markup and returns HTML output |
      Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.CustomMarkdownStatements.ASyntaxHighlighter | A special parser that provides syntax highlighting |
    Library.Parse.Semantic.Statements.AStatement | A statement parsed from code |
     Library.Parse.Semantic.SourceStatements.ASourceStatement | A statement parsed from a source stream |
      Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownPreStatements.APrescannedMarkdownStatement | A pre-scanned Markdown statement |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownPreStatements.AMarkdownAmpersandStatement | A class that handles ampersands in the source |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownPreStatements.AMarkdownLineEnding | A class that handle line endings |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownPreStatements.AMarkdownLinkIdentifierStatement | A link identifier statement |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownPreStatements.AMarkdownParenStatement | A class that handles parentheses in the source |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownPreStatements.AMarkdownSpaceSpan | A class that handles whitespace |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownPreStatements.AMarkdownXMLStatement | A class that handles XML tags in the source (by skipping them) |
      Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownStatement | A generic Markdown-style statement |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownAsteriskBlock | A class that handles unordered list or emphasis formatting |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownCodeSpan | A class that handles emphasis formatting |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownEmphasisBlock | A class that handles emphasis formatting |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownHeaderLine | A class that handles header lines |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownHorizRuleLine | |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownIdentifier | A class that handles identifiers |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownLineEnding | A class that handles line breaks |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownLinkStatement | A link statement |
        Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownImageStatement | An image |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownOrderedListBlock | A class that handles an ordered list |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownSpaceBlock | A class that handles whitespace |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownStrongBlock | A class that handles strong formatting |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownTabBlock | A class that handles tabs |
       Plugins.Content.Parse.Semantic.MarkdownStatements.AMarkdownUnorderedListBlock | A class that handles an unordered list |
    Library.UI.ContentProviders.AContentProvider | A content provider |
     Library.UI.ContentFromDataSource.ADataSourceContentProvider | A content provider that retrieves content from a data source |
      Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.ContentProviders.AnArenaContentProvider | This clas represents a channel record for arena |
       Plugins.Content.PerUser.Arena.ContentProviders.AnArenaParsedContentProvider | This class extends AnArenaContentProvider to allow post content to be parsed before it is returned |
    Library.UI.Views.AView | A simple view |
     Plugins.View.Jinja2Views.AJinja2View | This class represents a view, which is a jinja template that formats the output retrieved from a channel |
      Plugins.View.PerUser.Arena.Views.AnArenaView | A view manager customized to meet the needs of arena |
    Plugins.DataSource.DataLists.ADataList | A list of data retrieved from a database |
     Plugins.User.Groups.AGroupList | This class represents a list of groups to which a specific user may belong |
     Plugins.User.Subscriptions.ASubscriptionList | This class represents a list of subscriptions that define the access rights of a specific group |
    Plugins.Session.Sessions.ASession | This is the base class for a session instance |
     Plugins.Session.DataSessions.ADataSession | A session (such as an HTTP session), for which the information is stored in a data source, such as a database |
      Plugins.Session.Arena.Sessions.AnArenaSession | An instance of ADataSession customized for use with the various arena engine instances |
   Library.DataSource.Queries.AQueryIterator | This class allows a query to behave as an iterable object |
  Library.Base.Exceptions.AnException | The base exception class used by nearly all other exceptions generated by arena |
  Library.HTTP.HTTPRequests.AnHTTPRequest | This class consolidates the various variables related to an HTTP request |
  Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestContentInfo | |
  Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestDateInfo | |
  Library.IO.Logging.Logs.AMessageLog | A message log that outputs messages to a given stream or file |
   Library.IO.Logging.Logs.ANullMessageLog | A null message log |
  Library.IO.XML.XMLTags.AnXMLTag | A basic XML tag |
   Library.IO.XML.XMLTags.AnXMLWrapperTag | An XML tag that wraps around some text |
  Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryLeaf | A node in a binary tree |
   Library.Memory.StringTrees.AStringLeaf | A binary node that uses a string key instead of an integer key for sorting |
    Library.IO.Logging.Counters.ACounter | A counter |
    Library.Memory.Dictionaries.ADictionaryEntry | A single entry in a dictionary, which matches a string key to a value |
     Library.Parse.Lex.Opcodes.AnOpcode | An opcode that matches a token string to an internal value used by a parser |
    Library.Parse.Symbols.ASymbol | A basic symbol |
     Library.Parse.Symbols.AConstant | A constant |
      Plugins.Content.Parse.Symbols.ALinkIdentifier | A link identifier |
     Library.Parse.Symbols.AStringLiteral | A string literal |
  Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryTree | A binary tree |
   Library.Memory.Dictionaries.ADictionary | A binary tree class that acts much like a Python dictionary object |
    Library.Parse.Lex.Opcodes.AnOpcodeSet | A set of opcodes |
    Library.Parse.SymbolTables.ASymbolTable | A symbol table |
  Library.Memory.Nodes.ANode | A node |
  Library.Parse.Scan.Scanners.AScanner | A scanner that tokenizes a source stream |
   Library.Parse.Scan.SourceScanners.ASourceScanner | A scanner for a source stream |
  Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.AToken | A generic token |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.ALineEndingToken | A token which represents an end of line character (or sequence of characters, for Windows-derived streams) |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.AnErrorToken | An erroneous token read from the source |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.ASpaceToken | A token that represents whitespace (not a token from space) |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.ASpecialToken | A token that represents a special character which is not necessarily a keyword or operator (such a list delimiter, brackets, etc.) |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.AStreamEndingToken | A token that represents the end of the stream |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.AWordToken | A token that represents a single word or identifier |
    Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.ANumberToken | A token that represents a numeric value |
    Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.AStringToken | A token that represents a string literal |
 Library.IO.Streams.IsStreamable | This class defines the methods which must be implemented by classes that are capable of streaming their instance data to and from an arbitrary stream |
  Library.IO.StringStreams.AStringStream | A class that allows strings to be used as though they are streams |
   Library.IO.CGI.BufferedResponses.AnHTTPResponseBuffer | This class can be used to buffer output from a CGI script |
  Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryLeaf | A node in a binary tree |
  Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryTree | A binary tree |
  Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.AToken | A generic token |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Logging | |
 Plugins.Content.Parse.Lex.Languages.MarkdownOpcode | Markdown opcodes understood by the parser |
 MySQLCursor | |
  Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.DictionaryCursors.AMySQLDictionaryCursor | This class extends the base MySQLCursor class defined by the MySQL connector library to return query rows as dictionary objects instead of lists |
 MySQLCursorBuffered | |
  Plugins.DataSource.MySQL.DictionaryCursors.AMySQLBufferedDictionaryCursor | This class extends the base MySQLCursor class defined by the MySQL connector library to return query rows as dictionary objects instead of lists |
 namedtuple | |
  Library.Memory.collections.Point | |
  Library.Memory.collections.Point | |
 object | |
  Library.Base.Classwork.AnObject | The base class, from which all others are derived |
   Library.Application.Applications.AnApplication | The base application class |
   Library.Base.Events.AnEvent | An event that can be emitted by a class instance |
   Library.Base.Events.AnEventfulObject | An object that can generate events |
   Library.Base.Exceptions.AnException | The base exception class used by nearly all other exceptions generated by arena |
   Library.DataSource.DataRows.AnExpandingDictionaryField | A class that represents an expanding dictionary field |
   Library.DataSource.DataRows.AnExpandingListField | A class that represents an expanding list field |
   Library.HTTP.HTTPRequests.AnHTTPRequest | This class consolidates the various variables related to an HTTP request |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestContentInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestDateInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestDocumentInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestHTTPInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestPathInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestRemoteInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestRequestInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestScriptInfo | |
   Library.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestServerInfo | |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestContentInfo | This class consolidates content information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestDateInfo | This class consolidates date information as part of an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestDocumentInfo | This class consolidates document information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestHTTPInfo | This class consolidates HTTP information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestPathInfo | This class consolidates path information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestRemoteInfo | This class consolidates remote information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestRequestInfo | This class consolidates request information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestScriptInfo | This class consolidates request information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestServerInfo | This class consolidates server information for an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.HTTP.Requests.AnHTTPRequest | This class consolidates the various variables related to an HTTP request |
   Library.IO.Logging.Logs.AMessageLog | A message log that outputs messages to a given stream or file |
   Library.IO.Streams.AStream | This class defines the methods common to all stream objects used by arena |
    Library.IO.FileStreams.AFileStream | The base file stream class, from which all others are derived |
     Library.IO.FileStreams.AFileInputStream | This class represents a stream that is used to read binary data from a file |
     Library.IO.FileStreams.AFileOutputStream | This class represents a stream that is used to write binary information to a file |
    Library.IO.StringStreams.AStringStream | A class that allows strings to be used as though they are streams |
   Library.IO.XML.XMLTags.AnXMLTag | A basic XML tag |
   Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryLeaf | A node in a binary tree |
   Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryTree | A binary tree |
   Library.Memory.Nodes.ANode | A node |
   Library.Memory.Nodes.ANodeIterator | A class that iterates over a node |
   Library.Parse.Lex.Languages.AComputerLanguage | The specifications for a computer language that will be parsed by a parser |
    Plugins.Content.Parse.Lex.c.c | A class that represents the syntax and rules of the C language |
    Plugins.Content.Parse.Lex.Languages.AMarkdownLanguage | A class that represents the syntax and rules of a Markdown-style language |
    Plugins.Content.Parse.Lex.python.python | A class that represents the syntax and rules of the Python language |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Scanners.AScanner | A scanner that tokenizes a source stream |
   Library.Parse.Scan.Tokens.AToken | A generic token |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Plugins | |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Posts | |
 Plugins.User.Subscriptions.Right | The rights assigned to channels by means of a subscription |
 Plugins.User.Subscriptions.Rights | A utility class to make managing rights easier |
 Library.Parse.SymbolTables.Scope | Pre-defined scope definitions |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Sessions | |
 Local.Configuration.Site | This class defines global options that affect how arena will work on your site |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Statistics | |
 Library.String.Utilities.String | A utility class for working with strings |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Subscriptions | |
 Library.Parse.Symbols.SymbolCategory | Symbol category codes |
 Library.String.Utilities.Time | A utility class that provides routines to handle time |
 Library.Parse.Lex.Languages.TokenType | Token types that are recognized by a parser |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Users | |
 Local.Configuration.Site.Views | |
 x | |
  Library.Memory.collections.Point | |
  Library.Memory.collections.Point | |
 y | |
  Library.Memory.collections.Point | |
  Library.Memory.collections.Point | |
 ADataRow | |
  Plugins.User.Users.AUser | This class represents a user record for arena |
   Plugins.User.GroupedUsers.AGroupedUser | This class represents a user that belongs to one or more groups |
    Plugins.User.SubscribedUsers.ASubscribedUser | This class represents a user that belongs to one or more groups, which are in turn subscribed to one or more channels |
     Plugins.User.Arena.Users.AnArenaUser | This class customizes the ASubscribedUser class for use with the various arena engines |
 AViewpoint | |
  Plugins.Application.Arena.Posting.APoster | An engine used to create and edit posts |
 AViewpointError | |
  Plugins.Application.Arena.Posting.APostingError | Represents an error that may occur within the posting module itself |
 DictMixin | |
  Library.DataSource.DataRows.ADataRow | A row of data retrieved from a data source |
  Library.DataSource.DataRows.AnExpandingDictionaryField | A class that represents an expanding dictionary field |
  Library.Memory.BinaryTrees.ABinaryTree | A binary tree |
  Plugins.DataSource.DataLists.ADataList | A list of data retrieved from a database |
 IsPrintable | |
  Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestContentInfo | This class consolidates content information for an HTTP request |
  Library.IO.HTTP.RequestInfo.HTTPRequestDateInfo | This class consolidates date information as part of an HTTP request |
 IsPrintable | |
  Library.IO.HTTP.Requests.AnHTTPRequest | This class consolidates the various variables related to an HTTP request |