Class AStreamIterator
type AStreamIterator = class(AnIterator)
This class can be used to iterate over the data in a stream.
It is possible to process the data contained by the stream in chunks of an arbitrary size (from one byte to 8 bytes) by calling AStreamIterator.setSize.
AStream and its descendants make use of this class to produce CRC checksums of stream data when AStream.checksum is called, as shown below:
function AStream.checksum: TStreamChecksum;
streamSize: TStreamLength;
previousPosition: TStreamOffset;
Element: AStreamIterator;
result := 0;
streamSize := Self.length;
if streamSize > 0 then
previousPosition := Self.position;
Element := AStreamIterator(Self.iterator);
result := crc64(0, nil, 0);
while Element.continues do
result := crc64(result, Element.value, Element.size);;
MyStream: AStream; |
Refers to the stream over which the iterator will iterate
myValue: qword; |
Stores the most recent value read from the stream
myValueSize: TStreamIOSize; |
Stores the size of the value read from the stream
constructor over(const ThisStream: AStream); |
Construct an instance of AStreamIterator that can be used to process the data in ThisStream .
The iterator will begin processing data at the current position in the given stream; this means that if ThisStream has already reached its end, the instance of AStreamIterator returned by this constructor may be useless until the underlying stream position pointer is reset.
It is unlikely that you will call this routine directly; it is called automatically by AStream.iterator.
function init: boolean; override; |
Initializes the iterator instance
procedure next; override; |
Retrieves the next element from the stream.
The size of the element read from the stream may be from one to eight bytes; this is determined by AStreamIterator.size and can be changed by calling AStreamIterator.setSize before calling this routine. The value retrieved from the stream can be accessed by calling AStreamIterator.value.
function continues: boolean; override; |
Determines whether or not there are more items to retrieve from the underlying stream.
If the underlying stream has reached its end, this routine will return False ; otherwise, it returns True .
function shallowCopyFrom(const Other: AnObject): boolean; override; |
Construct a shallow copy of the given object.
This method overrides the behavior inherited from AnObject.shallowCopyFrom; it calls that routine, then ascertains whether Other is an instance of AStreamIterator. If it is, then it copies the current values of:
from Other to Self , overriding any current values in Self before it returns True . Otherwise it returns False .
function Stream: AStream; virtual; |
Retrieves a reference to the stream which is being traversed by the iterator.
function value: pointer; virtual; |
Retrieves the most recent value read from the stream.
This function returns a generic pointer to the most recent value read; this pointer can be cast to the appropriate type by the caller. This value is volatile, which means it will be overwritten by the next call to
function size: TStreamIOSize; virtual; |
Retrieves the size of values read from the stream.
The value returned by this function will be from one to eight, indicating the number of bytes read from the underlying stream by each call to It is possible to change this value by calling AStreamIterator.setSize.
By default, instances of AStreamIterator read eight bytes of data at a time from the stream.
function setSize(const newSize: TStreamIOSize): TStreamIOSize; virtual; |
Sets the size of the values read from the stream.
newSize may be a value from one to eight, indicating that the iterator should read from one to eight bytes on the next call to Any other values are ignored.
The previous value of AStreamIterator.size. |
Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-06-23 19:40:11