All Constants

Name Unit Description

This constant is used as the return value of to indicate that execution completed successfully.


This constant is used as the return value of to indicate that the return value is not necessarily an error, but which nonetheless prevented normal execution from proceeding.

bfstDefaultBufferSize classwork

This constant defines the default size, in bytes, for buffers used by instances of ABufferedStream.

bfstErrorAllocatingBuffer classwork

This string contains the error message used when ABufferedStream.around fails to allocate a buffer to use in buffering input from or output to a stream.

bnlfStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the way a representation of ABinaryLeaf is constructed by ABinaryLeaf.toString.

bntrDefaultNodePrintingPrefix classwork

This string is used as the default prefix when ABinaryTree.printTo causes its nodes to be printed to a stream.

bntrDefaultNodePrintingSuffix classwork

This string is used as the default suffix when ABinaryTree.printTo causes its nodes to be printed to a stream.

bntrDefaultPrintingSuffix classwork

This string is used as the default suffix when ABinaryTree.printTo prints a description of the tree to a given stream.

bntrStringRepresentationPlural classwork

This string controls the way a representation of ABinaryTree is constructed by ABinaryTree.toString when the tree does not have exactly one node.

bntrStringRepresentationSingular classwork

This string controls the way a representation of ABinaryTree is constructed by ABinaryTree.toString when the tree has exactly one node.

boolValueFalseString classwork

This string represents a boolean value that evaluates to False.

boolValueTrueString classwork

This string represents a boolean value that evaluates to True.

charsBeginQuoteCharacter classwork

The default opening quote character used

charsDigits classwork

Letters that are considered digits

charsEndQuoteCharacter classwork

The default closing quote character used

charsEscapeSequenceDelimiter classwork

This string represents the escape sequence delimiter.

charsLowercaseLetters classwork

Letters that are considered lowercase

charsUppercaseLetters classwork

Letters that are considered uppercase

cntrErrorLimitReached classwork

This string is used to format the error message passed to instances of ACounterOverageError when ACounter.increment raises it.

cntrStringRepresentation classwork

This string is used by ACounter.toString to control how a string representation of ACounter is produced.

ctlsDefaultPrintingPrefix classwork

This string is used by ACounterList.printSelfTo as the prefix passed to ACounter.printTo.

ctlsDefaultPrintingSuffix classwork

This string is used by ACounterList.printSelfTo as the suffix passed to ACounter.printTo.

ctlsPrintedSummaryHeader classwork

This string is used by ACounterList.printSelfTo as the banner header printed to the destination stream before the values of each counter in the list are printed.

errDefaultMessage classwork

This string specifies the default error message that is used when no other message is passed during construction to an instance of AnException.

errStringRepresentation classwork

This string governs the output of AnException.toString when no error code was passed to the associated exception on construction.

errStringRepresentationWithCode classwork

This string governs the output of AnException.toString when an error code was passed to the associated exception on construction.

fserrInvalidFileName classwork

This string is used to raise an exception in the event that the constructors for AFileInputStream or AFileOutputStream are passed an empty string as the name of a file.

fserrOpenRead classwork

This string controls the format of the message displayed when the constructor for AFileInputStream or its descendants fails to open a specified file for reading.

fserrOpenWrite classwork

This string controls the format of the message displayed when the constructor for AFileOutputStream or its descendants fails to open a specified file for writing.

fserrReading classwork

This string controls the format of the message displayed when a call to fails for some reason.

fserrWriting classwork

This string controls the format of the message displayed when a call to AFileOutputStream.write fails for some reason.

ioAccessDenied classwork


ioDataCheckFailed classwork


ioDriveNotFound classwork


ioDriveProtected classwork


ioDriveReadFailure classwork


ioDriveUnavailable classwork


ioDriveWriteFailure classwork


ioFileNotFound classwork


ioFileNotOpen classwork


ioHardwareFailure classwork


ioIncorrectMedia classwork


ioInvalidDrive classwork


ioInvalidHandle classwork


ioInvalidNumber classwork


ioInvalidOperation classwork


ioNoFileHandle classwork


ioPathNotFound classwork


ioPrinterPaper classwork


ioReadError classwork


ioReadOnly classwork


ioRemovingDirectory classwork


ioRenamingFailed classwork


ioSectorNotFound classwork


ioSeekFailure classwork


ioSuccess classwork

I/O status messages

ioTooManyFiles classwork


ioUnknown classwork


ioUnknownCommand classwork


ioUnknownDevice classwork


ioWriteError classwork


ioWriteOnly classwork


lgerCounterName classwork

This string is used as the default name for the counter to be incremented when instances of ALoggedError are logged.

lgerStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the way an instance of ALoggedError is represented as a string by ALoggedError.toString.

lgfeCounterName classwork

This string is used as the default name for the counter to be incremented when instances of ALoggedFatalError are logged.

lgfeStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the way an instance of ALoggedFatalError is represented as a string by ALoggedFatalError.toString.

lghtCounterName classwork

This string is used as the default name for the counter to be incremented when instances of ALoggedHint are logged.

lghtStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the way an instance of ALoggedHint is represented as a string by ALoggedHint.toString.

lgitCounterName classwork

This string is used as the default name for the counter to be incremented when instances of ALoggedItem are logged.

lgntCounterName classwork

This string is used as the default name for the counter to be incremented when instances of ALoggedNote are logged.

lgntStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the way an instance of ALoggedNote is represented as a string by ALoggedNote.toString.

lgwrCounterName classwork

This string is used as the default name for the counter to be incremented when instances of ALoggedWarning are logged.

lgwrStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the way an instance of ALoggedWarning is represented as a string by ALoggedWarning.toString.

llstDefaultDelimiter classwork

This string is used as the default delimiter by ALinkedList.explode and ALinkedList.implode when no other delimiter is supplied.

llstDefaultNodePrintingPrefix classwork

This string is used by ALinkedList.printTo.

llstDefaultNodePrintingSuffix classwork

This string is used by ALinkedList.printTo.

llstDelimiterTabbedColumn classwork

This string can be passed to ALinkedList.implode to cause its output to be formatted into a single column composed of many rows instead of a lengthy string.

llstStringRepresentationPlural classwork

This string controls how a string representation of ALinkedList is constructed by ALinkedList.toString.

llstStringRepresentationSingular classwork

This string controls how a string representation of ALinkedList is constructed by ALinkedList.toString.

mapDefaultDelimiter classwork

This string is used as the default key/value pair delimiter when none is provided to AMapping.implode and AMappingEntry.implode.

nodeStringRepresentationPlural classwork

Specifies the format to use when creating a string representation of ANode that does not have one immediate child (it has either none or more than one child).

nodeStringRepresentationSingular classwork

Specifies the format to use when creating a string representation of ANode that has only one immediate child.

objErrorInitializing classwork

This is the format of the error message passed to the exception raised when AnObject.init returns False.

plitStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the format of the string returned by APointerListItem.toString.

sbspStringRepresentationPlural classwork

The format specified by this string is used to construct a string representation of AStreamBookmarkSpan when AStreamBookmarkSpan.toString is called.

sbspStringRepresentationSingular classwork

The format specified by this string is used to construct a string representation of AStreamBookmarkSpan when AStreamBookmarkSpan.toString is called.


This constant represents a type of stream bookmark and can be assigned to AStreamBookmark.bookmarkType by the initializer of an instance of AStreamBookmark or one of its descendants.

SBTYPE_SPAN classwork

This constant represents a type of stream bookmark and can be assigned to AStreamBookmark.bookmarkType by the initializer of an instance of AStreamBookmark or one of its descendants.

stbmStringRepresentation classwork

The format specified by this string is used to construct a string representation of AStreamBookmark when AStreamBookmark.toString is called.

stlfStringRepresentation classwork

This string controls the way a representation of AStringLeaf is constructed by AStringLeaf.toString.

striDefaultSize classwork

The default size of values read by AStreamIterator.

tosDefaultLineLength classwork

This constant controls the maximum length of a line, in characters, that is wrapped by ATextOutputStream.printWrapped.

tosWrapDefaultBreakCharacters classwork

This array contains the default characters at which a line wrapped by ATextOutputStream.printWrapped is broken.

tosWrapDefaultPadCharacter classwork

This constant specifies the default padding character used by ATextOutputStream.printWrapped in order to align each line to a specific column.

vctrErrorAllocatingMemory classwork

This string controls the format of the error message passed to an instance of AVectorAllocationError when a call to AVector.ofLength or AVector.grow fails to allocate memory for the array.

vctrStringRepresentationPlural classwork

This string controls the string representation created by a call to AVector.toString.

vctrStringRepresentationSingular classwork

This string controls the string representation created by a call to AVector.toString.

vinfComments classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfCompanyName classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfFileDescription classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfFileVersion classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfInternalName classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfLegalCopyright classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfLegalTrademarks classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfOriginalFilename classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfPrivateBuild classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfProductName classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfProductVersion classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vinfSpecialBuild classwork

This value represents one of the possible keys that can be stored inside of a version information resource.

vsStringFileInfoKey classwork

This string value is used as a key to validate the StringFileInfo pseudo-structure.

vsVersionInfoKey classwork

This string value is used as a key to validate the VS_VERSIONINFO pseudo-structure.


Microsoft's version pseudo-structures are aligned to 32-bit addresses.


Microsoft's version pseudo-structures are alingted to 32-bit addresses by by using zero-value words.

Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-06-23 19:40:11