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Class ALog
type ALog = class(APrintingObject)
This class represents a generic log, which can be used to output status and error messages to an assigned stream. Any type of information can be logged to ALog by means of ALog.print; however, when the item to be logged is an instance of ALoggedItem or its descendants, then the logging of that instance will be recorded in the list of counters maintained by the log.
MyCounters: ACounterList; |
Stores counters for errors, hints, warnings, etc.
myOwnOutput: boolean; |
Indicates whether the log owns its output stream, and whether it will free this stream when the log itself is destroyed.
constructor toStream(const Dest: ATextOutputStream; const ownStream: boolean = false); virtual; |
Construct a new instance of ALog that will output status messages and errors to the given stream.
If ownStream is True , then the log will assume ownership of Dest and will free it when it is, itself, freed. This allows instances of a log to be constructed and assigned to a stream like so:
MyLog := ALog.toStream(, true);
function init: boolean; override; |
destructor destroy; override; |
Frees the log and all resources associated with it.
If ALog.ownsOutput is True , then this routine will ensure that ALog.Output is freed as well. This is useful behavior when it is desirable to construct a log and assign it to a stream of its own in a single statement, as follows:
MyLog := ALog.toStream(, true);
function Log(const ThisItem: ALoggedItem; const freeAfterwards: boolean = true): ALoggedItem; virtual; |
Log an item to the log.
This method is defined for convenience. It simply calls Self.print with ThisItem .
If freeAfterwards is True , then ThisItem is freed after it has been logged; this behavior allows you to construct an instance of ALoggedItem on the fly as part of the call to this method.
If freeAfterwards is False , this method will return ThisItem . Otherwise, it returns Nil . |
function print(const items: array of const): TStreamIOSize; virtual; |
Write one or more items to the log.
This function accepts all types of values. Integer and floating-point values are converted to strings before being written to the log's output stream. Object instances are checked to see if they implement CanPrint; if so, their printTo method is called and directed to output to the log's output stream.
If an instance of ALoggedItem or its descendants is passed to this method, then the counter associated with that instance (as determined by a call to ALoggedItem.counterName) is incremented. If the counter does not yet exist in ALog.Counters, then it is created.
Internally, after checking to see if there are items in items that are instances of ALoggedItem and incrementing the counters associated with any found, this method calls ATextOutputStream.printEach on its output stream.
The total number of bytes written to the log's output stream. |
function printTo(const Dest: ATextOutputStream; prefix: AnsiString = ''; suffix: AnsiString = ''): TStreamIOSize; override; |
Print a string representation of the log to the specified stream.
This method does not actually print a string representation of the log itself; rather, it calls ACounterList.printTo on its list of counters. prefix and suffix are passed to that routine and are not used by this one. This behavior ensures that a summary of all logged items is printed every time this method is called.
The total number of bytes printed to Dest . |
function Counter(const thisName: string): ACounter; virtual; |
Retrieve a reference to the counter with the specified name. The caller should NOT free this reference; the log will free it when it is, itself, freed.
If the counter does not exist in the log's list of counted items, then this routine will return Nil .
function Counters: ACounterList; virtual; |
Retrieve a reference to the list of all counted items maintained by the log. This reference should NOT be freed by the caller; it will be freed by the log when the log is, itself, freed.
function Output: ATextOutputStream; virtual; |
Retrieve a reference to the output stream used by the log to print status messages and errors.
The reference returned by this routine should NOT be freed by the caller. If ALog.ownsOutput is True , then the stream will be freed when the log is, itself, freed.
function ownsOutput: boolean; virtual; |
Retrieve whether or not the log assumes ownership of its output stream.
If this method returns True , it indicates that the log will free its output stream when it is, itself, freed. Otherwise, it is the responsibility of the routine that constructed the log to ensure that the output stream is freed when it is no longer required.
function setOwnsOutput(const flag: boolean): boolean; virtual; |
Set whether or not the log assumes ownership of its output stream.
If flag is True , then the log will assume ownership of its output stream and will attempt to free that stream when the log is, itself, freed. If set to False , then the log will not attempt to free its output stream and it will be the responsibility of the caller to ensure that stream is freed when it is no longer required.
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