Class AFileVersionInfoResource
type AFileVersionInfoResource = class(AnObject)
This class represents version information that is stored as a resource inside of an object file which represents the main executable of the current process.
You will likely not create a direct instance of this class, as it has no real functionality. It is defined solely to institute a common interface for application version information across platforms and object file types. Instead, you will likely use one of its descendants, such as AnELFFileVersionInfoResource or AWindowsFileVersionInfoResource .
- TObject
- AnObject
- AFileVersionInfoResource
myData: pchar; |
Refers to the buffered raw version informaton
myLength: longword; |
Stores the size of the raw version information
MyVersionInfo: ADictionary; |
Stores the key/value pairs that express version information
function init: boolean; override; |
destructor destroy; override; |
Destroy the version info resource.
If is not Nil , this method will free the memory to which it refers before calling the inherited routine.
function readInto(const ThisDictionary: ADictionary): boolean; virtual; abstract; |
Read version information as key/value pairs from the object file, and store them in the specified dictionary.
Descendant classes must implement this method. The method should return True if the operation was succesful and False if it was not.
function data: pointer; virtual; |
Retrieve a reference to the raw version info data.
The caller should NOT attempt to free the memory to which the reference returned by this routine refers. That will be done automatically when the file version info resource is freed.
function length: longword; virtual; |
Retrieve the size, in bytes, of the raw version data.
function VersionInfo: ADictionary; virtual; |
Retrieve a reference to the key/value pairs that express the version information contained in the main executable of the current process.
Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-06-23 19:40:11