Class ALinearCConsoleApplication




type ALinearCConsoleApplication = class(AConsoleApplication)


This class represents a single process running as a console application, which expects to receive arguments on its command line and which can parse those arguments with an instance of ALinearCParser.

This class modifies the behavior of AConsoleApplication somewhat: the run method is overridden to call the ALinearCConsoleApplication.defineOptions before calling ALinearCConsoleApplication.parseCommandLine.




Protected MyOptions: ACommandLineOptionDictionary;
Protected MyLog: ALog;


Protected procedure defineOptions; virtual;
Public function init: boolean; override;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public function parseCommandLine: int64; virtual;
Public function run: integer; override;
Public procedure printHelpTo(const ThisStream: ATextOutputStream); virtual;
Public procedure printVersionTo(const ThisStream: ATextOutputStream; const additionalItems: array of string); virtual;
Public function usageString: string; virtual;
Public function Options: ACommandLineOptionDictionary; virtual;
Public function Log: ALog; virtual;



Protected MyOptions: ACommandLineOptionDictionary;

Refers to the command line arguments and options accepted by the program

Protected MyLog: ALog;

Refers to the log used for error and diagnostic output by the program


Protected procedure defineOptions; virtual;

Define the command line options accepted by the program.

This method may be overridden by descendant classes. In the base implementation of ALinearCConsoleApplication, it defines two flag options: one for "help" and one for "version".

Public function init: boolean; override;


Public destructor destroy; override;

Destroy the application instance.

This method frees ALinearCConsoleApplication.Options, then calls the inherited routine.

Public function parseCommandLine: int64; virtual;

Parse the command line.

This method constructs an instance of AStringStream to represent the command line arguments passed to the program; it then passes that stream to an instance of ALinearCParser, along with the items in ALinearCConsoleApplication.Options, so that the command line can be parsed.


The value returned by ALinearCParser.parse, which should indicate the number of errors that occurred while parsing.

Public function run: integer; override;

Execute the application.

This method builds on the behavior inherited from after calling the inherited routine, it calls ALinearCConsoleApplication.defineOptions, then ALinearCConsoleApplication.parseCommandLine.

When the command-line arguments have been parsed, this method will check to see whether the "help" or "version" flags have been specified; if so, it calls ALinearCConsoleApplication.printHelpTo or ALinearCConsoleApplication.printVersionTo.

If either ALinearCConsoleApplication.Options or ALinearCConsoleApplication.Log are Nil when this method is entered, meaning that no descendant class has constructed a list of options or a log as part of their initialization, then this method will construct a basic instance of each. The log will output to Self.ErrorOut.


Zero if execution was successful up to the point defined by this method (descendant classes may perform additional execution afterward), non-zero if an error occurred.

Public procedure printHelpTo(const ThisStream: ATextOutputStream); virtual;

Print usage information for the program to the specified stream.

This method is called automatically by, after the command line options have been parsed, if the –help option was specified by the user. The routine first calls Self.usageString to obtain a usage string for the application, which it prints to ThisStream; it then calls ACommandLineOptionsDictionary.printTo on Self.Options.

Public procedure printVersionTo(const ThisStream: ATextOutputStream; const additionalItems: array of string); virtual;

Print version information for the program to the specified stream.

This method is called automatically by, after the command line options have been parsed, if the –version option was specified by the user.

The method uses the key/value pairs specified in Self.VersionInfo to print the name of the program and its version. The format of this output is controlled by lcappVersionStringFormat.

Additional items can be specified in the additionalItems array.

Public function usageString: string; virtual;

Construct a usage string for the application.

The usage string is printed whenever the user enters an option in error, and is also printed when the user requests help from the command-line.

The usage string includes the executable name and the name of all rest arguments accepted by the application. The format of the string is controlled by lcappUsageStringFormat.

Public function Options: ACommandLineOptionDictionary; virtual;

Retrieve a reference to the dictionary of command-line options accepted by the program.

The caller should NOT attempt to free the reference returned by this method; that will be done with the application instance is freed.

Public function Log: ALog; virtual;

Retrieve a reference to the log used for error and diagnostic output by the program.

The caller should NOT attempt to free the reference returned by this method; that will be done when the application instance is freed.

Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-01-10 17:13:18