All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Unit Description
ABinaryLeaf classwork

This class represents a node in a binary tree.

ABinaryTree classwork

This class represents a basic binary tree which contains nodes that are sorted by an integer key.

ABinaryTreeDictionary classwork

This class represents a "dictionary" of binary trees, which is simply a binary tree of binary trees.

ABinaryTreeIterator classwork

Instances of this class can be used to iterate through the nodes in ABinaryTree and its descendants, starting with the root node and proceeding toward ABinaryTree.YoungestNode.

ABookmarkedInputStream classwork

This class represents a stream that is capable of reading a dictionary of bookmarks from itself.

ABookmarkedOutputStream classwork

This class represents a stream that is capable of recording bookmarks to a dictionary of bookmarks and then writing that dictionary to itself at a given position.

ABookmarkedStream classwork

This class represents a bookmarked stream, which is a stream that is capable of saving and reading its own list of bookmarks.

ABufferedInputStream classwork

This class wraps around an input stream and buffers input from that stream.

ABufferedLog classwork

This class represents a log that will log to a string stream.

ABufferedOutputStream classwork

This class wraps around an output stream and buffers output to that stream.

ABufferedStream classwork

This class serves as the basis for a pair of classes that wrap around other streams and provide buffered input and output of those streams.

ABufferedStreamError classwork

This class represents an error that may occur when attempting to allocate the buffer for a buffered stream.

ACommandLineAbbreviation linearc

This class represents the abbreviated form of a command-line option.

ACommandLineChoice linearc

This class represents a command-line option that expects a value to be chosen from a list of pre-defined values.

ACommandLineFlag linearc

This class represents a command-line flag; that is, an option with a value that is only true if the user specifies the name of the option on the command line.

ACommandLineFloatRange linearc

This class represents an option that expects a floating-point value which falls between a predefined minimum and maximum.

ACommandLineIntegerRange linearc

This class represents an option that expects an integer value which falls between a predefined minimum and maximum.

ACommandLineList linearc

This class represents an option that can be specified more than once on the command line; each time it occurs, the value specified is added to a list of values.

ACommandLineNumber linearc

This class represents an option that expectas a numeric value.

ACommandLineOption linearc

This class represents a dynamic command-line option; that is, one which has been defined at runtime, either by reading it from a static definition or programatically.

ACommandLineOptionDictionary linearc

This class represents a dictionary of command-line options.

ACommandLineString linearc

This class represents a command-line option that expects a string value.

ACommandLineSwitch linearc

This class represents a command-line switch; that is, an option that accepts a value which may be True or False.

AConsoleApplication classwork

This class represents a single process running as a console application: a program that uses a terminal or console for standard input and output.

AConsoleInputStream classwork

This class can be used to wrap around an instance of AStandardInputStream or any of its descendants so that ASCII and UTF-8 encoded text can be read from the stream.

AConsoleLog classwork

This class represents a log that will log to either stdout or stderr.

AConsoleOutputStream classwork

This class can be used to wrap around an instance of AStandardOutputStream or one of its descendants so that ASCII and UTF-8 encoded text can be written to the stream.

ACounter classwork

This class represents a single named counter.

ACounterList classwork

This class is used by ALog and its descendants to manage a list of named counters: one for each type of message that can be logged.

ACounterOverageError classwork

An instance of this exception class is raised by ACounter.increment if all of the following are true: ACounter.limit has a value that is not zero, that value is exceeded by a call to ACounter.increment, and ACounter.notifyOnExcess is True.

ADictionary classwork

This class represents a dictionary, which is a list of items that are indexed by a string key.

ADictionaryEntry classwork

This class represents a dictionary entry, which is an item that is indexed by a string key.

AFileInputStream classwork

This class can be used for binary input from a file that can be accessed by the underlying file system.

AFileLog classwork

This class represents a log that will log to a file stream.

AFileOutputStream classwork

This class can be used for binary output to any file that is accessible to the underlying file system.

AFileStream classwork

A file stream.

AFileStreamOpenError classwork

An instance of this exception class is raised if the constructor for AFileInputStream fails to open the specified file for reading, or if the constructor for AFileOutputStream fails to open the specified file for writing.

AFileStreamReadError classwork

An instance of this exception class is raised if fails to retrieve data from the underlying file.

AFileStreamWriteError classwork

An instance of this exception class is raised if AFileOutputStream.write fails to write data to the underlying file.

AFileVersionInfoResource classwork

This class represents version information that is stored as a resource inside of an object file which represents the main executable of the current process.

ALinearCAssignmentStatement linearc

This class represents an assignment statement in LinearC; that is, the portion of a command line where a value is assigned to a named option.

ALinearCBooleanExpression linearc

This class represents a boolean expression in LinearC, which is an expression that consists of a single keyword belonging to either RULE_TRUTH or RULE_FALSEHOOD.

ALinearCCompoundExpression linearc

This class represents a compound expression in LinearC, which can be made up of one or more subexpressions.

ALinearCConsoleApplication linearc

This class represents a single process running as a console application, which expects to receive arguments on its command line and which can parse those arguments with an instance of ALinearCParser.

ALinearCExpression linearc

This class represents an expression in LinearC.

ALinearCNumericExpression linearc

This class represents a numeric expression in LinearC, which is an expression that consists of a single number, either integer or floating-point.

ALinearCParser linearc

This class represents a parser for the LinearC language.

ALinearCPathExpression linearc

This class represents a path expression in LinearC, which an expression that begins with a path delimiter, such as lcopDivideString or lcdlBackslashString and which is not contained in quotes (otherwise it would be seen as a string expression).

ALinearCRestArgument linearc

This class represents a statement in LinearC that is composed entirely of a rest argument; that is, an argument which does not include the name of an existing option.

ALinearCStatement linearc

This class represents a single statement that is pared by the LinearC parser.

ALinearCStatementBlock linearc

This class represents a statement block that is parsed by the LinearC parser.

ALinearCStringExpression linearc

This class represents a string expression in LinearC, which is an expression that consists of a single string, delimited by either lcdlQuote1String or lcdlQuote2String.

ALineEndingToken parsing

This class represents the end of a source line.

ALineEndingTokenFromSource parsing

This class represents the end of a source line.

ALinkedList classwork

This class represents a doubly-linked list of nodes.

ALog classwork

This class represents a generic log, which can be used to output status and error messages to an assigned stream.

ALoggedError classwork

This class represents a error that is logged.

ALoggedFatalError classwork

This class represents a hint that is logged.

ALoggedHint classwork

This class represents a hint that is logged.

ALoggedItem classwork

This class represents a basic item that can be logged to an instance of ALog.

ALoggedNote classwork

This class represents a simple note that is logged.

ALoggedWarning classwork

This class represents a warning that is logged.

ALoggingObject classwork

This class represents a generic object that is capable of logging items to a given log.

AMapping classwork

This class represents a mappings, which is a list of items that are indexed by a string key.

AMappingEntry classwork

This class represents a mapping entry, which is an item that is indexed by a string key and which maps that key to a value.

AnApplication classwork

This class represents a single process (an application) in an object-oriented fashion.

AnELFFileVersionInfoResource classwork

This class represents version information that is stored as a resource within the ELF object file that represents main code segment of the current process.

AnErrorToken parsing

This class represents an erroneous or unrecognized token.

AnException classwork

A basic exception.

AnIdentifierToken parsing

This token represents an identifier read from the source.

AnIterator classwork

This class represents an abstract iterator.

AnObject classwork

This class extends TObject to provide some additional functionality reminiscent of that provided by the base Object class in Objective C.

AnObjectVector classwork

This class represents an array that contains references to objects: descendants of AnObject.

ANode classwork

This class represents a single object in a hierarchical linked list.

AnOpcodeDictionary parsing

This class represents a dictionary of opcodes.

AnOpcodeDictionaryEntry parsing

This class represents an opcode dictionary entry, which matches a single token string to its internal representation.

AnOptionValueError linearc

An instance of this exception class is raised by ACommandLineOption.setValue if the value to be set does not conform to the option's definition.

ANumericConstantToken parsing

This class represents a numeric constant parsed from the source.

AParsedLanguage parsing

This class serves as the basis for defining a language that will be parsed.

AParsedLanguageParser parsing

This class represents a parser that is used to process source code of some kind using a parsed language definition.

AParser parsing

This class represents a generic parser.

AParserFatalError parsing

This class represents a fatal error that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserHint parsing

This class represents a hint that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserNote parsing

This class represents a note that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserSyntaxError parsing

This class represents a syntax error that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserWarning parsing

This class represents a warning that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

APointerVector classwork

This class represents a vector of pointers.

APrintingObject classwork

An object that can produce and stream a string representation of itself.

AScanner parsing

This class represents a scanner that is used to return tokens from a stream.

ASourceInputStream parsing

This class is defined for convenience and need not be used, strictly speaking, since instances of ASourceScanner will happily accept any valid instance of ATextInputStream or its descendants.

ASourceParser parsing

This class represents a parser that uses a language definition to parse an arbitrary source stream into intermediate code.

ASourceScanner parsing

This class represents a scanner this used to return tokens from a source code stream.

ASpaceToken parsing

This class represents whitespace encountered in the source.

ASpecialToken parsing

This class represents a special token, which is usually a delimiter or symbolic operator recognized by a parsed language.

AStandardErrorStream classwork

This class allows access to stderr as though it was a file stream.

AStandardInputStream classwork

This class allows access to stdin as though it was a file stream.

AStandardOutputStream classwork

This class allows access to stdout as though it was a file stream.

AStream classwork

The base stream type.

AStreamBookmark classwork

This class represents a stream bookmark, which is a way of associating a name with a specific location in a stream.

AStreamBookmarkDictionary classwork

This class represents a dictionary of stream bookmarks, which is a collection of instances of AStreamBookmark.

AStreamBookmarkSpan classwork

This class represents a string bookmark that specifies a span: that is, a block of bytes within a stream.

AStreamEndingToken parsing

This class represents the end of a source stream.

AStreamEndingTokenFromSource parsing

This class represents the end of a source stream.

AStreamIterator classwork

This class can be used to iterate over the data in a stream.

AStreamWrapper classwork

This class represents a wrapper around an instance of AStream; that is, it defines the basis for a class which can manipulate and extend the capabilities of an arbitrary stream by acting as a stream itself.

AStringLeaf classwork

This class represents a node in a binary tree that keeps the string used to define its sort key.

AStringList classwork

This class represents a list of one or more strings.

AStringListItem classwork

This class represents a single entry in AStringList.

AStringLiteralToken parsing

This class represents a string literal parsed from the source.

AStringStream classwork

This class allows an AnsiString to be read from and written to as though it was a stream.

AStringTree classwork

This class represents a binary tree that is comprised of instances of AStringLeaf.

ASymbol parsing

This class represents a basic symbol, which may be an identifier (such as a variable or function name), a numeric constant, or a string literal.

ASymbolFromSource parsing

This class represents a symbol that is parsed from a source file and which will be handled at once or written to an intermediate code file.

ASymbolicToken parsing

This class represents a symbol that is entered into a symbol table.

ASymbolParser parsing

This class represents a parser that processes a source file and enters any symbols found (variable names, function names, custom types, etc.) into its symbol tables.

ASymbolRecalled parsing

This class represents a symbol which was previously parsed and written to an intermediate code file.

ASymbolTable parsing

This class represents a symbol table, which matches literal token values to an instance of ASymbol or one of its descendants.

ASymbolTableVector parsing

This class represents a symbol table vector, which organizes instances of ASymbolTable into a linear array.

ASymbolVector parsing

This class represents a symbol vector, which matches symbols to an index.

ASymbolVectorVector parsing

This class represents a vector of symbol vectors; in other words, a collection of instances of ASymbolVector.

ASyntaxRule parsing

This class represents a single syntax rule, which in its simplest form is a set of opcodes.

ASyntaxRuleset parsing

This class represents a collection of syntax rules which, taken together, help to control how a parser processes source.

ATextInputStream classwork

This class serves as the basis for a class which wraps around other instances of AStream and provides the ability to treat the data read from the stream as text.

ATextOutputStream classwork

This class serves as the basis for a class which wraps around other instances of AStream and provides the ability to treat the data to be written to the stream as text.

AToken parsing

This class represents a basic token which is parsed from a source stream or retrieved from an intermediate code stream.

ATokenFromSource parsing

This class represents a token that is parsed from a source stream.

ATokenList parsing

This class represents a list of tokens that can be used as a sequential list or a stack.

AVariantList classwork

This class represents a list of one or more variant values.

AVariantListItem classwork

This class represents a single item in a linked-list of items.

AVector classwork

This class represents a vector, which is a dynamically-allocated one-dimensional array that contains elements which are all the same size.

AVectorAllocationError classwork

An instance of this exception class is raised when allocating memory for the buffer fails in a call to AVector.allocateElements.

AVectorError classwork

An instance of this exception class is raised whenever there is a fatal error within an instance of AVector.

CanIterate classwork

This iterface declares the methods that must be implemented by any class that supports iteration over its data.

CanPrint classwork

This interface will be adopted by all classes that are able to produce string representations of themselves and their data, and which can also print those representations to an arbitrary stream.

CanStream classwork

This interface declares the methods that must be implemented by any class that is capable of streaming its data.

Charstring classwork

This class acts as a repository for some string functions that are used by various classes.

MemorySpan classwork

This is a utility class that provides some helpful routines for quickly filling and copying stretches of memory.

TheLinearCLanguage linearc

This class represents the language specification for a command-line "language" named LinearC.

TSymbolReference parsing

This type defines the location of a symbol: both its scope (the symbol table to which it belongs) and its index within that table.

TTypicalVersionInfoHeader classwork

These elements exist at the beginning of every pseudo-structure.

TVSFixedFileInfo classwork

This structure defines the items in the version resource which are fixed: that is, their sizes and locations within the resource are predefined.

Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-01-10 17:13:18