All Constants

Name Unit Description
clchAcceptedValuesDescription linearc

This string controls the format of the extra string appended to the result returned when ACommandLineChoice.usageString is called.

clchDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineChoice.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

clchErrorValueExpected linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ACommandLineChoice.setValue in the event that the routine is given a value which is incompatible with the option.

clflDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineFlag.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

clfrAcceptedValuesDescription linearc

This string controls the format of the extra string appended to the result returned when ACommandLineFloatRange.usageString is called.

clfrDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineFloatRange.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

clfrErrorValueExpected linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ACommandLineFloatRange.setValue in the event that the routine is given a value which is incompatible with the option.

clirAcceptedValuesDescription linearc

This string controls the format of the extra string appended to the result returned when ACommandLineIntegerRange.usageString is called.

clirDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineIntegerRange.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

clirErrorValueExpected linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ACommandLineIntegerRange.setValue in the event that the routine is given a value which is incompatible with the option.

clnmDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineNumber.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

clodPrintHeaderRepresentation linearc

This string controls the format of the header printed when ACommandLineOptionDictionary.printUsageTo is called.

clopAbbreviationsRepresentation linearc

This string controls the format of the string used to indicate to the user what abbreviations may be given instead of the full name of an option.

clopAssignmentOperator linearc

This string determines the character that is used to indicate a value should be assigned to a named option.

clopAssignmentRepresentation linearc

This string controls the format of the string used to indicate to the user which values may be assigned to an option.

clopDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineOption.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

clopDefaultValueRepresentation linearc

This string controls the format of the string used to indicate the default value of an option to the user.

clopDescriptionColumn linearc

This constant is used to determine where the descriptions of command-line options begin when printed to a text-based device, such as a console.

clopErrorValueExpected linearc

This string controls the format of the error message issued in the event that ACommandLineOption.setValue is given a value that it cannot use, based on the definition of the option.

clopFlagRepresentation linearc

This string controls the format of the string used to indicate to the user which values may be assigned to an option.

clopNameColumn linearc

This constant is used to determine where the names of command-line options begin when printed to a text-based device, such as a console.

clopParameterAbbreviationDelimiter linearc

This string determines the characters that are used to indicate the abbreviated name of a command line parameter when it is passed on the command line.

clopParameterNameDelimiter linearc

This string determines the characters that are used to indicate a parameter name on the command line.

clopRequiredRepresentation linearc

This string controls the string used to indicate when an option is required.

clopStringRepresentation linearc

This string controls the format of the string returned when ACommandLineOption.usageString is called.

clstDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineString.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

clswDefaultValueDescription linearc

This string contains the default description returned by ACommandLineSwitch.valueDescription if no other description is set when the option is constructed.

lcappErrorUnsetRequiredOption linearc


lcappHelpDescription linearc


lcappHelpLongString linearc


lcappHelpShortString linearc - A descendant of AConsoleApplication that builds and executes a command-line parser automatically.

lcappUsageHelpDescription linearc


lcappUsageStringFormat linearc


lcappVersionDefaultAdditionalItems linearc

This array can be used to determine whether and how ALinearCConsoleApplication.printVersionTo prints additional items besides just the program name and version.

lcappVersionDescription linearc


lcappVersionLongString linearc


lcappVersionStringFormat linearc


lcbxErrorBooleanExpressionExpected linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ALinearCBooleanExpression.parse when an invalid boolean expression is encountered.

lccsDigit linearc

This string specifies the characters that LinearC recognizes as beginning a numeric constant.

lccsLetter linearc

This string specifies the characters that LinearC recognizes as alphanumeric.

lccsSpecial linearc

This string specifies the characters that LinearC recognizes as operators or delimiters.

lccxErrorInvalidOperation linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ALinearCCompoundExpression.performOperation when an attempt is made to peform a mathematical operation on incompatible value types.

lcdlBackslash linearc


lcdlBackslashString linearc

In order to parse Windows-style paths, the LinearC parser must know about backslash characters.

lcdlBeginLongOption linearc


lcdlBeginShortOption linearc


lcdlLeftParen linearc


lcdlLeftParenString linearc

In order to parse compound expressions, the LinearC parser must know when one expression begins and ends.

lcdlQuote1 linearc


lcdlQuote1String linearc

In order to parse strings, the LinearC parser must know when one begins and ends.

lcdlQuote2 linearc


lcdlQuote2String linearc

In order to parse strings, the LinearC parser must know when one begins and ends.

lcdlRightParen linearc


lcdlRightParenString linearc

In order to parse compound expressions, the LinearC parser must know when one expression begins and ends.

lckwFalse linearc


lckwFalseString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lckwNoFull linearc


lckwNoFullString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lckwNoShort linearc


lckwNoShortString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lckwOff linearc


lckwOffString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lckwOn linearc


lckwOnString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lckwTrue linearc


lckwTrueString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lckwYesFull linearc


lckwYesFullString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lckwYesShort linearc


lckwYesShortString linearc

In order to process switch options, LinearC must define some tokens that represent truth and falsehood.

lcnxErrorInvalidNumber linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ALinearCNumericExpression.parse when it encounters something that looks like it should be a number, but which cannot be evaluated as such.

lcopAnd linearc


lcopAndString linearc

The LinearC parser allows bitwise operations on numeric values.

lcopAssign linearc


lcOpcodeCount linearc

This constant represents the total number of opcodes defined for the LinearC language.

lcopDivide linearc


lcopDivideString linearc

The LinearC parser supports basic arithmetic operations on the command line.

lcopEquality linearc


lcopEqualityString linearc

The LinearC parser allows equality tests on numeric values.

lcopExponent linearc


lcopExponentString linearc

The LinearC parser supports basic arithmetic operations on the command line.

lcopGreater linearc


lcopGreaterOrEqual linearc


lcopGreaterOrEqualString linearc

The LinearC parser allows equality tests on numeric values.

lcopGreaterString linearc

The LinearC parser allows equality tests on numeric values.

lcopInequality linearc


lcopInequalityString linearc

The LinearC parser allows equality tests on numeric values.

lcopLesser linearc


lcopLesserOrEqual linearc


lcopLesserOrEqualString linearc

The LinearC parser allows equality tests on numeric values.

lcopLesserString linearc

The LinearC parser allows equality tests on numeric values.

lcopMinus linearc


lcopMinusString linearc

The LinearC parser supports basic arithmetic operations on the command line.

lcopModulo linearc


lcopModuloString linearc

The LinearC parser supports basic arithmetic operations on the command line.

lcopNot linearc


lcopNotString linearc

The LinearC parser allows boolean options to be defined as NOT true or NOT false.

lcopOr linearc


lcopOrString linearc

The LinearC parser allows bitwise operations on numeric values.

lcopPlus linearc

The opcodes recognized by the language

lcopPlusString linearc

The LinearC parser supports basic arithmetic operations on the command line.

lcopShl linearc


lcopShlString linearc

The LinearC parser allows bitwise operations on numeric values.

lcopShr linearc


lcopShrString linearc

The LinearC parser allows bitwise operations on numeric values.

lcopTimes linearc


lcopTimesString linearc

The LinearC parser supports basic arithmetic operations on the command line.

lcopXor linearc


lcopXorString linearc

The LinearC parser allows bitwise operations on numeric values.

lcstWarningUnknownOption linearc

This string controls the format of the warning issued in the event that ALinearCAssignmentStatement.parse encounters an attempt to name an option on the command line that was not defined in its list of available options.

lcsxErrorInvalidEscapeSpecifier linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ALinearCStringExpression.convertEscapeSequence when it encounters something that looks like it should be a C-style escape sequence, but cannot parse it.

lcxpErrorValidExpressionExpected linearc

This string controls the format of the error message emitted by ALinearCExpression.parse when an invalid expression is encountered.


This constant is used as the return value of to indicate that the user requested help from the command line.


This constant is used as the return value of to indicate the user requested version information from the command line.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the types of tokens that may be used as arithmetic operators.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to begin an expression, which in LinearC consists of those tokens encountered after the assignment operator.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to begin a path.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to begin a simple expression.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the types of tokens that may be used as bitwise operators.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to delimit string literals.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to end an expression.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the types of tokens that may be used as equality-test operators.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to represent a False value when setting switch options.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to represent operators, which may appear between two expressions.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the types of tokens that may precede an assignment expression.

RULE_TRUTH linearc

This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to represent a True value when setting switch options.


This constant represents one of the rules defined by TheLinearCLanguage.defineRules; in this case, the tokens that are allowed to represent unary operators, which may appear at the forefront of an expression.

Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-06-25 11:07:51