All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Unit Description
ACommandLineAbbreviation linearc

This class represents the abbreviated form of a command-line option.

ACommandLineChoice linearc

This class represents a command-line option that expects a value to be chosen from a list of pre-defined values.

ACommandLineFlag linearc

This class represents a command-line flag; that is, an option with a value that is only true if the user specifies the name of the option on the command line.

ACommandLineFloatRange linearc

This class represents an option that expects a floating-point value which falls between a predefined minimum and maximum.

ACommandLineIntegerRange linearc

This class represents an option that expects an integer value which falls between a predefined minimum and maximum.

ACommandLineList linearc

This class represents an option that can be specified more than once on the command line; each time it occurs, the value specified is added to a list of values.

ACommandLineNumber linearc

This class represents an option that expectas a numeric value.

ACommandLineOption linearc


ACommandLineOptionDictionary linearc

This class represents a dictionary of command-line options.

ACommandLineString linearc

This class represents a command-line option that expects a string value.

ACommandLineSwitch linearc

This class represents a command-line switch; that is, an option that accepts a value which may be True or False.

ALinearCAssignmentStatement linearc

This class represents an assignment statement in LinearC; that is, the portion of a command line where a value is assigned to a named option.

ALinearCBooleanExpression linearc

This class represents a boolean expression in LinearC, which is an expression that consists of a single keyword belonging to either RULE_TRUTH or RULE_FALSEHOOD.

ALinearCCompoundExpression linearc

This class represents a compound expression in LinearC, which can be made up of one or more subexpressions.

ALinearCConsoleApplication linearc

This class represents a single process running as a console application, which expects to receive arguments on its command line and which can parse those arguments with an instance of ALinearCParser.

ALinearCExpression linearc

This class represents an expression in LinearC.

ALinearCIdentifierExpression linearc

This class represents an identifier expression in LinearC, which is an expression that refers to the name of an option.

ALinearCNumericExpression linearc

This class represents a numeric expression in LinearC, which is an expression that consists of a single number, either integer or floating-point.

ALinearCParser linearc

This class represents a parser for the LinearC language.

ALinearCPathExpression linearc

This class represents a path expression in LinearC, which an expression that begins with a path delimiter, such as lcopDivideString or lcdlBackslashString and which is not contained in quotes (otherwise it would be seen as a string expression).

ALinearCRestArgument linearc

This class represents a statement in LinearC that is composed entirely of a rest argument; that is, an argument which does not include the name of an existing option.

ALinearCStatement linearc

This class represents a single statement that is pared by the LinearC parser.

ALinearCStatementBlock linearc

This class represents a statement block that is parsed by the LinearC parser.

ALinearCStringExpression linearc

This class represents a string expression in LinearC, which is an expression that consists of a single string, delimited by either lcdlQuote1String or lcdlQuote2String.

AnOptionValueError linearc

An instance of this exception class is raised by ACommandLineOption.setValue if the value to be set does not conform to the option's definition.

TheLinearCLanguage linearc

This class represents the language specification for a command-line "language" named LinearC.

Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-06-25 11:07:51