Class TheLinearCLanguage




type TheLinearCLanguage = class(AParsedLanguage)


This class represents the language specification for a command-line "language" named LinearC. It is designed to be a singleton, which is why it its class name begins with "the" instead of "a".




Protected procedure defineCharacterCategories; override;
Protected procedure defineOpcodes; override;
Protected procedure defineRules; override;
Public function init: boolean; override;



Protected procedure defineCharacterCategories; override;

Define the character categories used by the language.

This method first calls the inherited routine, then sets up the following character categories:

The other character categories are left as they have been assigned by the inherited routine.

Protected procedure defineOpcodes; override;

Define the opcodes used by the language.

This method calls AnOpcodeDictionary.bindSeveral to bind the values of lcTokenStrings to lcOpcodes. Among other things, this action causes:

This ensures that the values used to describe the operation of command-line parameters to the user actually perform as described.

Protected procedure defineRules; override;

Define the rules used by the language.

This method calls the inherited routine first, then adds a few rules pertinent to the language:

The method also establishes tokens for the rules defined by the inherited routine:

Public function init: boolean; override;


Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-01-10 17:13:18