All Types

Name Unit Description
ABinaryLeafPointer classwork

This type is used to find and indicate the position at which a new node should be inserted into the tree.

ACharacterCategory parsing

This type defines the character types that are recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.

AnObjectClass classwork

This definition simplifies the implementation of AnObjectVector, since it allows the base implementation of AnObjectVector to construct instances of a given object on the fly (such as when AnObjectVector.readFrom is called.

ANodeClass classwork

This declaration simplifies the implementation of ABinaryTree, ALinkedList and their descendants, which all contain and operate on descendants of ANode.

AnOptionValueType linearc

This type is used to contain the flags which indicate what type of value is accepted by an instance of ACommandLineOption.

AParsedLanguageClass parsing

This type refers to the class definition for all instances of AParsedLanguage and its descendants.

PTypicalVersionInfoHeader classwork

This type points to an instance of TTypicalVersionInfoHeader.

PVSFixedFileInfo classwork

This type points to an instance of TVSFixedFileInfo.

TCensus classwork

This type is used to represent a census, which is a way of storing the count of nodes within a list of nodes.

TNodeAbsoluteIndex classwork

This type is used to represent an absolute index, which is a way of referring to the position of a node within a sequence of nodes, relative to the beginning of the sequence.

TNodeRelativeIndex classwork

This type is used to represent a relative index, which is a way of referring to the position of a node within a sequence of nodes, relative to a specific node.

TOpcode parsing

This type represents an opcode, which is a way of constructing a numeric representation of a token string that has special meaning to a parser.

TOpcodeList parsing

This type represents a dynamic array of opcodes.

TOptionValueType linearc

This enumeration indicates the types of options that can be accepted on the command line:

  • ovtNone: Indicates an invalid option; not really used

  • ovtFlag: A flag value, which is assumed to be False unless it is specified on the command-line. A flag value might be specified as --flag when passed on the command line. Represented by instances of ACommandLineFlag.

  • ovtSwitch: A switch, which may be True or False. Unlike flag values, the value of a switch must be explicitly set on the command line. A switch might be specified as --switch=y or --switch=false when passed on the command line. Represented by instances of ACommandLineSwitch.

  • ovtNumber: A numeric value, either integer or floating-point. The only constraints on the value are the limits of the int64 or double types. A numeric value might be specified as --value=23 or --value=42.0 when passed on the command line. Represented by instances of ACommandLineNumber.

  • ovtIntegerRange, ovtFloatRange: A numeric value that must fall between a minimum and maximum value. Represented by instances of ACommandLineIntegerRange and ACommandLineFloatRange.

  • ovtString: A string value. A string value might be specified as --value=text or --value="text" when passed on the command line. Represented by instances of ACommandLineString.

  • ovtMultipleChoice: A value that must match one of a list of provided values. Represented by instances of ACommandLineChoice.

  • ovtList: A value that can be specified more than once on the command line; each occurrence is collected into a list of values. Represented by instances of ACommandLineList.

  • ovtRest: An argument that is specified without a name preceding it. These are usually used to indicate file names. This value is combined with one of the above values.

TScannerTokenBehavior parsing

This type defines the ways in which instances of AScanner handle instances of certain tokens:

  • SCAN_NO_WHITESPACE: Discard whitespace tokens when they are encountered. When this behavior is enabled, AScanner.CurrentToken will never refer to an instance of ASpaceToken, and will read tokens from the source until one is encountered that is not determined to be whitespace.

  • SCAN_CONSOLIDATE_WHITESPACE: Consolidate consecutive instances of the same whitespace character into a single instance of ASpaceToken. When this behavior is enabled, consecutive instances of the same whitespace character in the source will be collected into one instance of ASpaceToken; otherwise, multiple instances of ASpaceToken will be returned.

    Obviously, this flag has no effect if SCAN_NO_WHITESPACE is enabled.

  • SCAN_CONSOLIDATE_LINE_ENDINGS: Consolidate consecutive instances of the same line ending character into a single instance of ALineEndingToken. When this behavior is enabled, consecutive instances of the same line ending character in the source will be collected into one instance of ALineEndingToken; otherwise, multiple instances of ALineEndingToken will be returned.

TScannerTokenBehaviors parsing

This type defines a set of one or more token behaviors.

TSortKey classwork

This type is used to represent a sort key, which is used to arrange items in a binary tree or list.

TStreamBookmarkType classwork

This type is defined for convenience and portability; it represents a code that indicates the type of a bookmark stored in a stream.

TStreamChecksum classwork

The type of value used when calculating a checksum for a stream.

TStreamIOSize classwork

The type of value used to indicate the size of data to read or write from the stream.

TStreamLength classwork

The type of value used to indicate the overall size of a stream.

TStreamOffset classwork

The type of value used to indicate an offset within a stream.

TSymbolScope parsing

This type represents the scope of a symbol, which is a way of indicating the symbol table to which it belongs.

Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-01-10 17:13:18