All Identifiers

Name Unit Description
ACharacterCategory parsing

This type defines the character types that are recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.

ALineEndingToken parsing

This class represents the end of a source line.

ALineEndingTokenFromSource parsing

This class represents the end of a source line.

AnErrorToken parsing

This class represents an erroneous or unrecognized token.

AnIdentifierToken parsing

This token represents an identifier read from the source.

AnOpcodeDictionary parsing

This class represents a dictionary of opcodes.

AnOpcodeDictionaryEntry parsing

This class represents an opcode dictionary entry, which matches a single token string to its internal representation.

ANumericConstantToken parsing

This class represents a numeric constant parsed from the source.

AParsedLanguage parsing

This class serves as the basis for defining a language that will be parsed.

AParsedLanguageClass parsing

This type refers to the class definition for all instances of AParsedLanguage and its descendants.

AParsedLanguageParser parsing

This class represents a parser that is used to process source code of some kind using a parsed language definition.

AParser parsing

This class represents a generic parser.

AParserFatalError parsing

This class represents a fatal error that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserHint parsing

This class represents a hint that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserNote parsing

This class represents a note that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserSyntaxError parsing

This class represents a syntax error that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AParserWarning parsing

This class represents a warning that is logged by a parser to a given instance of ALog.

AScanner parsing

This class represents a scanner that is used to return tokens from a stream.

ASourceInputStream parsing

This class is defined for convenience and need not be used, strictly speaking, since instances of ASourceScanner will happily accept any valid instance of ATextInputStream or its descendants.

ASourceParser parsing

This class represents a parser that uses a language definition to parse an arbitrary source stream into intermediate code.

ASourceScanner parsing

This class represents a scanner this used to return tokens from a source code stream.

ASpaceToken parsing

This class represents whitespace encountered in the source.

ASpecialToken parsing

This class represents a special token, which is usually a delimiter or symbolic operator recognized by a parsed language.

AStreamEndingToken parsing

This class represents the end of a source stream.

AStreamEndingTokenFromSource parsing

This class represents the end of a source stream.

AStringLiteralToken parsing

This class represents a string literal parsed from the source.

ASymbol parsing

This class represents a basic symbol, which may be an identifier (such as a variable or function name), a numeric constant, or a string literal.

ASymbolFromSource parsing

This class represents a symbol that is parsed from a source file and which will be handled at once or written to an intermediate code file.

ASymbolicToken parsing

This class represents a symbol that is entered into a symbol table.

ASymbolParser parsing

This class represents a parser that processes a source file and enters any symbols found (variable names, function names, custom types, etc.) into its symbol tables.

ASymbolRecalled parsing

This class represents a symbol which was previously parsed and written to an intermediate code file.

ASymbolTable parsing

This class represents a symbol table, which matches literal token values to an instance of ASymbol or one of its descendants.

ASymbolTableVector parsing

This class represents a symbol table vector, which organizes instances of ASymbolTable into a linear array.

ASymbolVector parsing

This class represents a symbol vector, which matches symbols to an index.

ASymbolVectorVector parsing

This class represents a vector of symbol vectors; in other words, a collection of instances of ASymbolVector.

ASyntaxRule parsing

This class represents a single syntax rule, which in its simplest form is a set of opcodes.

ASyntaxRuleset parsing

This class represents a collection of syntax rules which, taken together, help to control how a parser processes source.

AToken parsing

This class represents a basic token which is parsed from a source stream or retrieved from an intermediate code stream.

ATokenFromSource parsing

This class represents a token that is parsed from a source stream.

ATokenList parsing

This class represents a list of tokens that can be used as a sequential list or a stack.

letkStringRepresentation parsing

This constant defines how a string representation of ALineEndingToken is constructed when ALineEndingToken.toString is called.


This constant defines the character which makes up a typical Apple-style line ending.


This constant the defines the character which makes up a typical Unix-style line ending.


This constant defines the sequence of characters which makes up typical Windows-style line endings.

parsFatalUnexpectedEOS parsing

This string defines the error message and format used when the end of a stream is encountered unexpectedly.

parsSyntaxUnexpectedToken parsing

This constant defines the format of the error message logged by instances of AParser when AParser.resyncToToken and AParser.resyncTo encounter an unexpected token in the source.

plcsTypicalDigit parsing

This string defines the characters which are typically allowed to begin numeric constants in various languages.

plcsTypicalEndOfLine parsing

This string defines the characters which are typically counted as line ending characters by various languages.

plcsTypicalEndOfStream parsing

This string defines the characters which are typically used to mark the end of a stream by various languages.

plcsTypicalLetter parsing

This string defines the characters which are typically allowed to begin identifiers in various languages.

plcsTypicalNumeric parsing

This string defines the characters which are typically allowed to be part of a numeric constant, though they may not begin it, by various languages.

plcsTypicalWhitespace parsing

This string defines the characters which are typically counted as whitespace by various languages.

plcsTypicalWord parsing

This string defines the characters which are typically allowed to be part of an identifier, though they may not begin it, in various languages.

pmsgStringRepresentation parsing

This constant determines the format of the string returned by calls to AParserNote.toString, AParserHint.toString, AParserWarning.toString, AParserSyntaxError.toString, and AParserFatalError.toString when there is a valid (named) source.


Rules in ASyntaxRuleset can be retrieved by an arbitrary name or value; however, it is common to define a symbolic constant for each rule so that the rule name or value does not have to be hard-coded.


Rules in ASyntaxRuleset can be retrieved by an arbitrary name or value; however, it is common to define a symbolic constant for each rule so that the rule name or value does not have to be hard-coded.

RULE_NONE parsing

Rules in ASyntaxRuleset can be retrieved by an arbitrary name or value; however, it is common to define a symbolic constant for each rule so that the rule name or value does not have to be hard-coded.

scnrDefaultTokenBehaviors parsing

This constant defines the default handling flags used by instances of AScanner when whitespace and line ending tokens are encountered.

setkStringRepresentation parsing

This constant defines how a string representation of AStreamEndingToken is constructed when AStreamEndingToken.toString is called.

smtkStringRepresentation parsing

This constant defines how a string representation of ASymbolicToken is constructed when ASymbolicToken.toString is called.


This flag indicates that a symbol has been declared as external to the source.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.


This constant enumerates one of the ways in which a symbol may be defined in a source stream.

sympErrorDuplicateIdentifier parsing

This string controls the format of the error message output when there is an attempt to define a symbol that has the same name as one which has already been defined in the current scope.


This constant enumerates one of the more common symbol table scopes.


This constant enumerates one of the more common symbol table scopes.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.

TOKCAT_EOL parsing

Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.

TOKCAT_EOS parsing

Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.


Each of these constants defines a category of token that is recognized by a scanner for a parsed language.

toknStringRepresentation parsing

This constant defines how a string representation of AToken is constructed when AToken.toString is called.

TOpcode parsing

This type represents an opcode, which is a way of constructing a numeric representation of a token string that has special meaning to a parser.

TOpcodeList parsing

This type represents a dynamic array of opcodes.

TScannerTokenBehavior parsing

This type defines the ways in which instances of AScanner handle instances of certain tokens:

  • SCAN_NO_WHITESPACE: Discard whitespace tokens when they are encountered. When this behavior is enabled, AScanner.CurrentToken will never refer to an instance of ASpaceToken, and will read tokens from the source until one is encountered that is not determined to be whitespace.

  • SCAN_CONSOLIDATE_WHITESPACE: Consolidate consecutive instances of the same whitespace character into a single instance of ASpaceToken. When this behavior is enabled, consecutive instances of the same whitespace character in the source will be collected into one instance of ASpaceToken; otherwise, multiple instances of ASpaceToken will be returned.

    Obviously, this flag has no effect if SCAN_NO_WHITESPACE is enabled.

  • SCAN_CONSOLIDATE_LINE_ENDINGS: Consolidate consecutive instances of the same line ending character into a single instance of ALineEndingToken. When this behavior is enabled, consecutive instances of the same line ending character in the source will be collected into one instance of ALineEndingToken; otherwise, multiple instances of ALineEndingToken will be returned.

TScannerTokenBehaviors parsing

This type defines a set of one or more token behaviors.

TSymbolReference parsing

This type defines the location of a symbol: both its scope (the symbol table to which it belongs) and its index within that table.

TSymbolScope parsing

This type represents the scope of a symbol, which is a way of indicating the symbol table to which it belongs.

Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-06-25 11:12:03