Class AReferenceCountedObject
type AReferenceCountedObject = class(AnObject)
This class represents a reference-counted object; that is, an object that maintains a count of the number of times it has been explicitly referenced. When that count reaches zero, the object is automatically destroyed.
When the object is created, its reference count is initially one 1 , since the caller that created the object obtains the first reference to it. The count is incremented every time AReferenceCountedObject.Reference is called, and decremented each time is called. When the count reaches zero, the object is destroyed and ANY REMAINING REFERENCES BECOME INVALID. Ideally, there should be no remaining references at this point, but care must nonetheless be exercised when using reference-counted objects. When the object is passed from one routine to another, the reference obtained by calling AReferenceCountedObject.Reference should be used. Routines that receive a reference should explicitly free it (by calling on it) when it is no longer required.
The reference counting scheme used by this class is thread-safe; adjustments to the reference count are protected by a mutex that is local to the instance.
- TObject
- AnObject
- AReferenceCountedObject
myReferenceChange: TRTLCriticalSection; |
Refers to the critical section of code which handles reference counts
myReferenceCount: longword; |
Stores the reference count of the object
procedure adjustReferenceCount(const amount: smallint); virtual; |
Adjust the reference counter by the specified amount.
This method increments or decrements Self.referenceCount by the amount specified by amount , in a thread-safe manner.
This method should be called instead of directly operating on the reference count of the instance.
function setReferenceCount(const newValue: longword): longword; virtual; |
Set the reference counter to the specified value.
This method sets the value of Self.referenceCount in a thread-safe manner.
This method should be called instead of directly operating on the reference count of the instance.
The previous value of Self.referenceCount. |
function init: boolean; override; |
destructor destroy; override; |
This method releases the local mutex that is used to protect adjustments to the reference count of the instance.
procedure freeInstance; override; |
Free the instance.
This method overrides the behavior inherited from TObject.freeInstance : it decrements Self.referenceCount and then checks to see whether the counter has reached zero (0 ). If so, it calls the inherited routine.
Overriding TObject.freeInstance should prevent the instance from being freed even if its destructor is called directly.
This method decrements the reference count of the instance.
function Reference: AReferenceCountedObject; virtual; |
Obtain a reference to the object.
This method increments the reference counter associated with the object and then returns a reference to it. The reference returned should be freed by the caller when it is no longer needed.
function referenceCount: longword; virtual; |
Retrieve the current reference count of the object.
Generated by PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2015-06-23 19:40:11